I'm very excited to personally invite you to the 2013 IMA conference named IMPACT13 at CityCenter, Las Vegas. Be sure to save the date, September 25-27, 2013, for what is expected to be a special experience of thought leadership, innovation and social engagement.
Sinan Kanatsiz
Internet Marketing Association
949.443.9300 tel
Save the Date!
September 25-27, 2013
Aria Resort & Casino, CityCenter, Las Vegas
The 2012 IMA Conference and Awards held this past September at CityCenter in Las Vegas was a landmark for the Internet marketing industry. This year, we're raising the bar to make the event even more memorable and valuable!
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Ireland Trip Offers Unique Opportunity
Ireland will proudly welcome the Internet Marketing Association to its shores in June 2013. This special event will be led by the IMA's friend, the Honorable M. Finbar Hill, Hon. Consul General of Ireland in Southern California since 2002.
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Need to Brush Up on Your Internet Marketing Knowledge?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about a lot of little things coming together to get you ranked for that one big target you've set for your website. Here's a quick rundown of five tips and tweaks that we at the Internet Marketing Association have put together for you to get the most from your website.
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The DOT Report:
Reasons to Invest in SEO
There's never a time when your website couldn't use a little more love at the search engines. After all, is there such a thing as too much traffic?! From time to time, you'll notice some onsite factors that are a clear indication that you should start spending more time on your website before things get out of hand.
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